This article was published as
Kranthi K.R. 2015. The three Mistakes in cotton's life. CAI-Vol 27: 6th October 2015. Cotton Statistics and News, Published by Cotton Association of India, Mumbai
The three mistakes in cotton’s life
K. R. Kranthi
Are there just three mistakes? Certainly not! How many I don’t know
but in my perception this list of three is a recipe for disaster. You may not
agree with me. Many may even strongly feel that this list of three actually holds
the secret for successful cotton farming in India. But, discuss, we must, and
argue, we will. This is an attempt to highlight at least three commonly known factors,
which I am referring to, as mistakes, primarily with an intention to trigger a
new way of thinking that may find new remedies. I must mention here that
amongst the three mistakes the first one ‘long duration varieties’ is the
actual monster and other two nurture the devil.
The three mistakes in tandem
Long duration varieties
2. Excess
Early use of systemic insecticides
LONG DURATION VARIETIES: The average crop duration in India is 210
days, which is about 30-50 days more than other major cotton growing countries. Long duration varieties (210-240 days)
suffer from two major disadvantages. 1. The crop suffers moisture stress during
boll formation and 2. The crop has a long vulnerable flowering window that
invites bollworms. The long duration varieties also have excess foliage that
serves as an excellent host for the sap-sucking insects. Cotton crop needs about 2 mm water and 0.5 to 1.0 kg/ha Nitrogen per
day during vegetative phase and needs about 6-7mm water and 3-4 Kg/ha Nitrogen per
day during flowering and boll formation stage. Thus longer the duration of
fruiting phase, more is the demand for water and nutrients. In rain-fed regions
of central India, when the crop is sown in July, flowering and boll formation
stage in late duration varieties extends from mid-September to the end of November
and sometimes even into December. Water and nutrient requirement is most
crucial during this period. Nutrient uptake depends on the availability of soil
moisture. In rain-fed regions of central India, rains recede by the second week
of September and the soil becomes almost dry, especially in shallow soils, by
the beginning of October. The crop suffers moisture and nutrient stress all
through October and November and does not retain bolls properly. The long 60-80
day flowering period from September to mid-November also invites bollworm moths
continuously. Indeterminate varieties have excessive foliage all through until
harvest. Sap sucking pests which are generally limited to early vegetative
phase, continue into the flowering and fruiting phase if the crop continues to
put forth fresh leaves, as it happens with indeterminate long duration
varieties. Farmers are forced to spray insecticides all through the season. India
chose long duration varieties and farmers had to use more fertilizers and also
spray 14-28 applications per season. No other country had to suffer
insecticides in cotton as much as India did. Clearly this happened due to the
long duration varieties in India.
All cotton hybrid varieties in India are of indeterminate habit with a
long duration that extends from 6 to 8 months at least. Hybrids inherently are
endowed with hybrid vigour which makes them grow in a prolific manner during
the vegetative phase, which makes them respond to fertilizers and water to put
forth luxuriant and excessive foliage. This generally results in wastage of
nutrients. This is also one of the reasons as to why cotton hybrids in India
are planted at only 4000 to 6000 plants per acre. The plant density in major
cotton growing countries across the world is 40,000 to 60,000 plants per acre. Hybrid
cotton seed is very expensive at Rs. 0.15 per seed and is therefore planted at
the low density. Because of the low plant density, each plant is expected to
produce a large number of bolls per plant as opposed to a few number of bolls
per plant in other countries. For example each plant in India has to produce
100 bolls of 4g each to produce 1600 kg seed-cotton from 4000 plants in one
acre. Whereas, in other countries where the plant density is 10 times higher at
40,000 plants per acre, each plant is expected to produce only 10 bolls of 4g
each for a similar production of 1600 kg seed-cotton per acre. Plants in such
systems take a short time of 15-20 days to complete flowering that is adequate
to produce 8-10 bolls per plant. Thus the flowering phase is short and reduces
the challenge of insect pests. The
flowering in India is at least of 60-80 days duration which is in contrast to a
much shorter flowering period in other countries. The short duration in other
parts of the world enabled countries to achieve higher per day productivity.
They produce more cotton in a short time with less pest problems due to a short
flowering window and less need for fertilizers and water in a short
reproductive window. There is no doubt that the long duration of cotton in
India has resulted in moisture and nutrient stress, more insect pests, diseases,
need for more insecticides and low yields.
It is interesting that irrespective
of India’s low average National yields, many
experts still believe that long duration varieties are best for India. The
theory was that, -if the early fruiting parts were damaged by bollworms, the
crop would recover to produce new flush and thus continue to produce in an
indeterminate manner, thus enabling risk aversion. The duration of such
varieties extends beyond six months and can go on and on, even up to a full
year, especially if water and nutrients are made available. In line with this
theory, almost all the varieties developed in India were designed to be
indeterminate. Needless to mention, Cotton is basically an indeterminate crop.
It has a perennial habit and many varieties can grow like trees, if left to survive.
However in stark contrast almost all the major cotton growing countries of the
world, developed short duration varieties of 150-180 days, with determinate
habit of synchronous boll formation especially to suit machine picking. Experts
in India also believe that drip irrigation can solve India’s problem of low
yields, not just in rain-fed regions, but also in irrigated states of north
India. Undoubtedly, drip irrigation saves water and fertilizers in addition to
enabling controlled application of water and fertilizers as and when needed by
the plant. However, drip irrigation systems are expensive despite subsidies and
need maintenance. How well these systems suit the marginal rainfed conditions
of Vidarbha and Telangana is a matter of debate. Experts agree that countries
which are harvesting 3-4 times higher yield than India have achieved high
productivity levels not necessarily by using drip irrigation in their
countries. The main technology that they have adapted to get high yields is ‘ADJUST COTTON FLOWERING WINDOW TO FIT INTO
THE SOIL MOISTURE REGIMEN’. Beyond doubt, India MUST develop short duration
cotton varieties of 150-160 days duration, with synchronous boll formation of
8-10 bolls. Such varieties if sown at a density of 40,000 to 50,000 plants per
acre, earliest with the onset of monsoon in central India can complete the
short flowering and boll formation window for 8-10 bolls within a short span of
time before soil moisture become limiting, with least requirement of water,
nutrients and insecticides.
INSECT PESTS AND DISEASES: Sequence of events happen with urea application that actually push
the crop into a problem that is not easily realized by farmers. When applied at
initial reproductive stage of 45-60 days after sowing, urea switches off the
reproductive phase, triggers excessive foliage, delays flowering, delays crop
maturity and makes the crop conducive to sap sucking insects. These effects get
aggravated when the crop suffers from deficiency of phosphorus (P) and potash
(K). Studies across the globe clearly show that the uptake of water and
nutrients in cotton plants is highest at 90-110 days after sowing, which is
generally the peak boll formation stage. However in India, almost all fertilizer recommendations for cotton make
a mention that at sowing time or at 20-25 days after sowing half the
recommended N+K and full dose of P2O5 should be applied
as basal dose followed by application of the remaining half N+K at 45-60 days
after sowing. About 5 tonnes of Farm Yard Manure or 1.0 ton of compost per acre
is recommended at sowing time. Since urea is heavily subsidized, it is cheaper and
farmers use it extensively. There is a misconception in India, especially in
north India that a lush green cotton crop at vegetative phase will produce high
Application of urea in excess at the peak vegetative stage of 45-60
days after sowing forces the crop to become lush green with excessive foliage. Under
normal circumstances, majority of the varieties or hybrids start producing
squares from 45-60 days. This first part of reproductive phase is disrupted due
to urea application. With urea, the plants switch off ‘squaring-flowering’ and
return back to the leafy vegetative phase. This delays flowering and maturity
by at least 15-20 days. Phosphorus deficiency also causes delayed flowering and
maturity. A combination of more urea and less phosphorus can result in
prolonged vegetative phase and delay in the initiation of squaring and
flowering window. Further, urea application in a crop that suffers from
deficiency of potash invites sap sucking pests such as leaf hoppers, thrips,
whiteflies and aphids. Also, there are a few diseases that get triggered with
urea application. With urea induced vegetation, sap sucking pests proliferate
more rapidly in varieties / hybrids that are susceptible to sucking pests.
Insecticides that are absorbed by the plant and translocated to
other parts of the plant are known as ‘systemic insecticides’. Majority of the
insecticides belonging to the organophosphate group, for example monocrotophos
and acephate and the neonicotinoid group of insecticides are systemic in nature
and induce the crop towards vegetative phase. Insecticides belonging to the
‘organophosphate’ group and the ‘neonicotinoid’ group are the ones that are
recommended mainly for the control of sap sucking insect pests. Sap sucking
pests occur in the early vegetative phase of the crop especially in varieties
or hybrids that are susceptible. As mentioned earlier, urea application in
45-60 days old crop triggers vegetative phase, delays flowering and invites sap
sucking insects. Sprays of some of the systemic insecticides during the early
crop stage further induce ‘vegetative leafy phase’ and delay flowering and crop
maturity. Early application of some
insecticides induces insect pest outbreaks and necessitates repeated
application of systemic insecticides for pest control, which further delays
flowering phase and crop maturity.
There are three ways in which some insecticides and tank mixes can
cause insect pest resurgence. 1. Broad
spectrum insecticides and mixtures kill naturally occurring biological control
of insect pests. 2. Insecticide induced vegetative phase and physiological
changes in plants that suit insect pests 3. Insecticide induced physiological
changes ‘hormoligosis’ in surviving insects which lay fertile eggs in excess. Nature is endowed with many insect
species that are known as parasites, parasitoids and predators which kill
insects that feed on the crop. These insects are useful to the farmer and are
generally referred to as ‘natural enemies’ or ‘naturally occurring biological
control’. Except a few insect growth regulators (IGR), botanical pesticides and
biological insecticides, majority of the synthetic insecticides have a broad
spectrum toxic action on naturally occurring biological control in fields. Some
insecticides have a mild effect on natural enemies whereas a few have very
strong effects. Insecticide tank mixes can have devastating effects on natural
enemies that can easily result in insect pest resurgence. When natural enemies
are destroyed by the insecticide and if the populations do not revive, insect
pests get an advantage of easy survival, which results in insect pest resurgence.
There are cases where a few insecticides alter the physiology of plants, which
suits some insect species thus resulting in pest outbreaks. Yet another
mechanism known as ‘insecticide induced hormoligosis’ also can result in insect
pest outbreaks. Hormoligosis is a phenomenon whereby some insecticides cause
physiological changes in surviving insects to an extent that the survivors lay
fertile eggs in excess which leads to outbreaks. Application of broad spectrum
systemic organophosphate and neonicotinoid insecticides to control the
resurgent insect pests further delays flowering and crop maturity.
CONCLUSION : Cotton crop
benefits most when it can take up nutrients at flowering and peak boll
formation stage. Nutrient uptake
happens only if the soil contains adequate moisture at the flowering and peak
boll formation stage. In rainfed regions of Vidarbha and Telangana, soil
moisture is generally available until end of September or mid October depending
on the soil type. Deep black cotton soils retain more moisture compared to
shallow soils. Therefore in these rainfed regions, flowering in August and boll
formation in September to mid October can help the crop to take up nutrients
when applied, thereby leading to good boll setting, good retention and good
yields. If the flowering gets delayed and happens over a long window that is
spread over 50-80 days during September to November, boll formation gets
further spread over during October to December. Flowers and bolls that form
after mid-October suffer moisture and nutrient stress thus resulting in poor boll
setting and low yields. Therefore any decisions and interventions that lead
towards late flowering and late boll setting in cotton are to be considered as
mistakes. First mistake is the choice of a system that aims at achieving more
bolls per plant. More bolls per plant, means longer time of flowering and boll
setting and long duration. Second mistake is the application of urea without
adequate P and K. This intervention delays flowering further and extends the
reproductive phase further into a weak soil moisture phase. Application of urea
during the early squaring phase also invites sap-sucking insect pests. Third
mistake is the sprays of systemic organophosphates and neonicotinoid
insecticides which induce leaves, further delay flowering and in some cases
trigger insect pest resurgence thus necessitating more sprays and more delay in
flowering and boll setting. Therefore the keys to the success of cotton
cultivation in the dry rainfed regions of Vidarbha and Telangana are 1. Early
sowing of early maturing varieties in June 2. High density planting at
>44,000 plants per acre with a target of 8-10 bolls per plant for an early
narrow flowering window 3. Intercropping with nitrogen fixing short duration
legume crops such as green gram or black gram or cow pea or soybean. Legume
crops fix nitrogen and support integrated pest management. 4. Application of balanced
nutrients at peak flowering and boll setting stage and 5. Careful choice of
ecologically acceptable pest management interventions mostly with
bio-pesticides to ensure that the crop reproductive phase is uninterrupted and
that the natural enemies are least disrupted. Thus a narrow short flowering
window of 15-20 days in August can help the squares and flowers to escape
American bollworm that generally starts in September and also crop harvest
before November helps the crop escape pink bollworm which starts in
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